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Completed Projects

2024 Asphalt Reconstruction

Work for the 2024 Asphalt Reconstruction Project consists of (4) four separate projects.

The first project will be a full asphalt reconstruction of 15th Avenue from 37th Street to 34th Street, the second project will be a full asphalt reconstruction of 41st Street from Belmont Avenue to 17th Avenue, the third project will be a full asphalt reconstruction of 41st Street Road from Belmont Avenue to 17th Avenue. The fourth project additional alternate No. 1 will consist of a full asphalt reconstruction of a section of Heather Lane from Phlox Lane to Primrose Lane. 

Project # 1 will consist of full asphalt reconstruction of 15th Avenue from 37th Street to 34th Street. The roadway is believed to be (4”) four-inch thickness of asphalt mat over (8”) eight-inch Class 6 Base Material. In-situ earthen material is sandy clay loam.

Work for Project # 1 (15th Avenue) of the 2024 Asphalt Reconstruction Project consists of roto-milling the entire surface of existing asphalt pavement estimated to be four (4") inches in depth, removal of (6”) six inches of in-situ sub-grade material, scarification, compaction and grading of earthen in-situ sub-grade material, installing a (6”) six-inch Class 6 base course layer (crushed concrete is not a suitable replacement product and will be strictly refused), compaction and grading of base course layer, soil sterilization of entire surface of the base course layer, placement of a (2”) two inch bottom lift hot mix asphalt Grading S, SP 64-22, installing an emulsified tack layer, placement of a (2”) two inch top lift hot mix asphalt Grading S, SP 64-22, adjusting of existing water valves, sanitary sewer manholes, and storm drain manholes which are to be ¼” inch below the asphalt surface.  Concrete collars will not be installed around existing utility box structures and manholes, instead the existing concrete collars will be removed, and the utilities will be raised to grade prior to paving and asphalt will surround the utility boxes and manholes, installing (2’) two-foot wide thermoplastic stop bars at stop sign intersections as dictated.

The City of Evans recognizes that the project is located on a local collector street with accessibility concerns for the residents during construction. There are (31) thirty-one single family homes that encompass the project. This site is also near a school, so summer construction is necessary. We will need to keep access open throughout the project, but do not want the increased traffic a school will surely bring when it is in session.

Project # 2 will consist of full asphalt reconstruction of 41st Street from Belmont Street to 17th Avenue. The roadway is believed to be (2 1/2”) two and a half-inch thickness of asphalt mat over (3”) three-inch Class 6 base material. In-situ earthen material is sandy clay loam.

Work for Project # 2 (41st Street) of the 2024 Asphalt Reconstruction Project consists of roto-milling the entire surface of existing asphalt pavement estimated to be two and a half (2 ½”) inches in depth, removal of (7 ½ ”) seven and a half inches of in-situ sub-grade material, scarification, compaction and grading of earthen in-situ sub-grade material, installing a (6”) six inch Class 6 base course layer (crushed concrete is not a suitable replacement product and will be strictly refused), compaction and grading of base course layer, soil sterilization of entire surface of the base course layer, placement of a (2”) two inch bottom lift hot mix asphalt Grading S, SP 64-22, installing an emulsified tack layer, placement of a (2”) two inch top lift hot mix asphalt Grading S, SP 64-22, adjusting of existing water valves, sanitary sewer manholes, and storm drain manholes which are to be ¼” inch below the asphalt surface. Concrete collars will not be installed around existing utility box structures and manholes, instead the existing concrete collars will be removed, and the utilities will be raised to grade prior to paving and asphalt will surround the utility boxes and manholes, installing (2’) two-foot wide thermoplastic stop bars at stop sign intersections as dictated.

The City of Evans recognizes that the project is located on a local collector street with accessibility concerns for the residents during construction. There are (14) fourteen single family homes that encompass the project. We will need to keep access open throughout the project.

Project # 3 will consist of full asphalt reconstruction of 41st Street Road from Belmont Street to 17th Avenue. The roadway is believed to be (2 ½”) two and a half-inch thickness of asphalt mat over (3”) three-inch Class 6 base material. In-situ earthen material is sandy clay loam.

Work for Project # 3 (41st Street Road) of the 2024 Asphalt Reconstruction Project consists of roto-milling the entire surface of existing asphalt pavement estimated to be two and a half (2 ½”) inches in depth, removal of (7 1/2”) seven and a half inches of in-situ sub-grade material, scarification, compaction and grading of earthen in-situ sub-grade material, installing a (6”) six inch Class 6 base course layer (crushed concrete is not a suitable replacement product and will be strictly refused), compaction and grading of base course layer, soil sterilization of entire surface of the base course layer, placement of a (2”) two inch bottom lift hot mix asphalt Grading S, SP 64-22, installing an emulsified tack layer, placement of a (2”) two inch top lift hot mix asphalt Grading S, SP 64-22, adjusting of existing water valves, sanitary sewer manholes, and storm drain manholes which are to be ¼” inch below the asphalt surface. Concrete collars will not be installed around existing utility box structures and manholes, instead the existing concrete collars will be removed, and the utilities will be raised to grade prior to paving and asphalt will surround the utility boxes and manholes, installing (2’) two-foot wide thermoplastic stop bars at stop sign intersections as dictated.

The City of Evans recognizes that the project is located on a local collector street with accessibility concerns for the residents during construction. There are (15) fifteen single family homes that encompass the project. We will need to keep access open throughout the project.

Add Alt # 1 Project # 4 (Heather Lane) of the 2024 Asphalt Reconstruction Project will consist of full asphalt reconstruction of Heather Lane from Phlox Lane to Primrose Lane. The roadway is believed to be (5 1/2”) five and a half-inch thickness of asphalt mat over In-situ earthen material. In-situ earthen material is clay.

Work for Project # 4 (Heather Lane) of the 2024 Asphalt Reconstruction Project consists of roto-milling the entire surface of existing asphalt pavement estimated to be five and a half (5 ½”) inches in depth, removal of (4 ½”) four and a half inches of in-situ sub-grade material, scarification, compaction and grading of earthen in-situ sub-grade material, installing a (6”) six inch Class 6 base course layer (crushed concrete is not a suitable replacement product and will be strictly refused), compaction and grading of base course layer, soil sterilization of entire surface of the base course layer, placement of a (2”) two inch bottom lift hot mix asphalt Grading S, SP 64-22, installing an emulsified tack layer, placement of a (2”) two inch top lift hot mix asphalt Grading S, SP 64-22, adjusting of existing water valves, sanitary sewer manholes, and storm drain manholes which are to be ¼” inch below the asphalt surface. Concrete collars will not be installed around existing utility box structures and manholes, instead the existing concrete collars will be removed, and the utilities will be raised to grade prior to paving and asphalt will surround the utility boxes and manholes, installing (2’) two-foot-wide thermoplastic stop bars at stop sign intersections as dictated. The City of Evans recognizes that the project is located on a local collector street with accessibility concerns for the residents during construction. There are (15) fifteen single family homes that encompass the project. We will need to keep access open throughout the project.

The City of Evans recognizes that the project is located on a local collector street with accessibility concerns for the residents during construction. There are (5) five single family homes that encompass the project. We will need to keep access open throughout the project.

Geotextile Grid is included in the contract in the event unstable sub-grade material is encountered. All QC (Quality Control) testing is to be considered inclusive of costs for compaction of each respective layer of street section whether it is asphalt, base material, fly-ash or earthen in nature. Traffic control is broken out as a separate line item and not included in the mobilization costs.

2024 EVO Radar Installation

Work for the 2024 EVO Radar Sensor Project consisted of installation  of eight  (8) Econolight EVO Radar Sensors at all City of Evans traffic signals except 37th Street and 65th Avenue.

The intersections for installation are:

  • 37“ Street and 11th Avenue
  • 32nd Street and 11th Avenue
  • 37th Street and 17th Avenue
  • 37th Street and 23trd Avenue
  • 32nd Street and 23“' Avenue
  • 37th Street  and 29" Avenue
  • 37th Street and 35th Avenue
  • 34th Street and 34th Avenue.

Installation required the removal of all existing ITS Plus Cameras, wiring, and video card components from the intersections. Capping of open holes on the existing mast arms is a requirement. New holes were drilled /cored through Evo (2) poles at each intersection at each radar location. Econolight supplied a representative to guide the contractor with the best location and height for each radar mount.

Once all wire was removed and conduits cleared, the existing conduit was used to rewire the new EVO Radar systems. New wire was pulled through the conduit using the old wire as a fish tape to pull through). All components for the Radar system (brackets, radar hub, and radars) were purchased for the new installations. Radar hubs were mounted in the traffic signal cabinet and connected to the existing Econolight Cobalt Controllers. The Econolight representative assisted and guide the contractor to program the new radar units. The City of Evans also had our traffic engineer available to answer any questions.

Contact Us

1100 37th Street
Evans, Colorado 80620

Phone: 970-475-1170
Fax: 970-475-1190
Office hours (Monday to Friday): 8:00am – 5:00pm

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