Stormwater/Grading Permits and Pond Certifications
Grading Permits
Any grading done within the City of Evans must be done by a licensed operator working under a bonded contractor. Unless acting under a contract with the city or under a Public Improvements Developer's Agreement, it is unlawful for any person, other than a duly authorized city official or employee in the course of his employment, to make, cause, or permit to be made any grading work, without first acquiring a grading permit from the City and posting the required security.
File the below Grading Permit with the required filing fee with the Engineering Division before beginning any grading work.
*Grading Permits are required for land disturbance of less than one acre.
Stormwater Management Permits
Storm drainage systems include items such as pipes, street/curb inlets, ponds, and even natural channels. Municipal stormwater drainage systems are sometimes referred to as Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (MS4s). These systems are monitored by the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), which is controlled by the EPA. The EPA set up the NPDES as part of the CWA. The City of Evans falls under what is referred to as the Stormwater Phase II portion of this legislation as noted above.
The major stormwater outfall for the City of Evans is the South Platte River which is joined to the west by the Colorado Big Thompson River at the two rivers’ confluence. There are other municipalities and individuals downstream from the City of Evans that depend on the South Platte River for their public drinking water and irrigation. In order to help increase the quality of the stormwater that the City of Evans releases into the South Platte River, we need help from the citizens. Property owners should make a conscious effort to store and dispose of waste such as motor oil, anti-freeze, and other hazardous materials properly. We can also help by reducing our dependence on lawn fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides. Another major contributor to stormwater pollution is sediment. Most sediment comes from the erosion of un-vegetated lands such as that found on construction sites and farmland.
*City MS4 Permit, SWMP (Stormwater Management Plan) and Erosion and Sediment Control Design Drawings are required for land disturbance one acre and larger.
The City MS4 Permit cannot be processed until the State COR400000 Construction Stormwater Discharge Permit is issued. Please submit the COR400000 Permit with the City MS4 Permit.
Pond Certification Form
A Colorado licensed professional engineer shall observe construction, expansion, modification, and post-construction activities of new or modified pond facilities (including all their appurtenances) and certify that the pond facility was built according to the approved plans and specifications. The City’s Detention Certification Form must be submitted and approved by the City Engineer or designee, prior to seeding of the detention facility. The approval of the Pond Certification is needed before Final acceptance of the development can occur.
A Pond Certification Form must be completed and submitted if any of the following occurs.
1. Construction of a new pond facility, expansion of an existing pond facility, or modifications to the grading or outlet structure of an existing pond facility.
2. Development, redevelopment, or land use change of any kind on any land draining to a pond facility.
3. Ownership of the pond facility is changed.
4. A pond facility is determined to be uncompliant after a City inspection.
5. Ten years has passed since the last Pond Certification Form was submitted.
Contact Us
1100 37th Street
Evans, Colorado 80620
Phone: 970-475-1170
Fax: 970-475-1190
Office hours (Monday to Friday): 8:00am – 5:00pm
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