Seasonal Recommendations

Check back here seasonally for updates on how you can make the largest impact on your water use each season.

Winter Conservation Tips:

While your irrigation system is off and plants are dormant, winter is the time to look at indoor water use. Take a day to look at your fixtures, do any of them need to be upgraded to reduce waste or fix drips? Check your toilet with a dye tablet to ensure it doesn't have silent leak.

Cold Weather Tips:

  • Know where the main water shut off is in your home. Should a leak occur you can stop it quickly while you repair the leak or seek professional assistance. 
  • Insulate exposed pipes to reduce risk of damage and leaks.
  • Check for leaks after each thaw (water spigots, exposed pipes, irrigation systems if not winterized). 
  • Drip sinks that are on outer walls. Catch the drips in a large bowl or pan to use for watering indoor plants.