Non-potable Water 101

What is non-potable water?

Potable water = drinking water. Non-potable water = untreated water for outdoor and industrial use. Not all water is treated to pass drinking standards. This water comes from a variety of sources including the Evans ditch and the Greeley Loveland Irrigation Company ditches. This water is not fit for consumption but is great for irrigation, industrial sites, etc. It is priced lower than potable water because it does not have to be treated at our water treatment plants.

Who can use non-potable water?

Only homes and businesses with connections to non-potable water can use non-potable water. If you live on the eastern side of Evans you may have access to the Evans ditch. If you are unsure if your home has non-potable water, or if you are in the Evans ditch service area, please reach out to our team at

When can I use non-potable water?

Non-Potable water has a schedule of when it is available. Even though a home may have access to non-potable water, the season for available potable water is mid June to mid September. There are not exact dates for the start and end of the season because it depends on when the water becomes available to the City. Each Spring and Fall the start and end dates will be announced to non-potable water customers. If you are using water outside of the non-potable season, even if it's a non-potable water tap, you will be using potable water and be charged as such. Potable water rates are higher than non-potable water rates given the need to pay for the treatment of that water.

Looking for more information?

Non-potable water can be a little bit confusing to understand, but is a wonderful resource for the City of Evans to help ensure water prices remain reasonable and drinking water supplies remain robust. The City controls and maintains the non-potable water systems, but not the availability of water. There are farmers and other ditch customers who have senior water rights which gives them legal priority to access a certain amount of water before the City. Only after they have taken what they need, can the City legally then start to use non-potable water. Depending upon how wet a spring we’ve had, we don’t always know exactly how much or exactly when we will have access to the non-potable water.


The best way to lower your water bill is to be aware of when and where you use water. Be proactive in lowering your own water bill by monitoring your water consumption. Know how much water your lawn and landscaping really needs and don’t over water. Let rain be your friend and don’t water needlessly when there is precipitation. No water is free, to you or to the City. Conserve when you can, fix leaks and save money too!