37th Street serves as the City's primary east-west thoroughfare. With the City and region growing at a high rate, the Evans City Council identified this roadway as a must for expansion in order to accommodate current and future traffic needs, facilitate economic expansion and improve the overall livability of the City.
Due to the scope of this project, the City is required to conduct expansion work in phases. The first phase, which extended from 47th Avenue in the west to Sienna Avenue in the west and included the construction of the roundabout at 47th Avenue, was completed in 2023. The next section, Phase 2A, widened the roadway from the conclusion of 2023 work at Sienna Avenue east to Stampede Drive, and was completed in 2024.
In 2025, the City will work on Phase 2B, which widen the roadway to four lanes with a landscaped center median, same as the first two phases, will extend from Stampede Drive to 35th Avenue.