Your Government

Evans is a Council-Manager Form of Government
The City of Evans operates under what is known a council-manager form of government. This is a popular and widely-used organizational structure and is the same as is used by many of our neighboring communities including Greeley, Loveland, Fort Collins, Johnstown and Berthoud. This form of government is popular among small and medium sized cities and towns as it creates direct accountability between the people's elected representatives and the administration which serves them.
A council-manager form of government mirrors the structure of many large, publicly-traded corporations. Evans residents vote to elect a Mayor and City Council, much as shareholders vote to elect a board of directors. The Mayor and City Council then appoint a City Manager, just like how a corporate board appoints their CEO. In Evans, the City Council also appoints the City Attorney and the Municipal Court Judge. Therefore, the City Manager, City Attorney and Municipal Judge are all directly accountable to the City Council, and thus, to the voters. For a more detailed look at the City of Evans precise organizational structure, click here.
With this form of government, the Council, and by extension, the residents whom they represent, are assured that the City Attorney and Municipal Court Judge are appointed based upon their merits, and that their performance in their roles will determine their continued service to the City. The City Attorney is appointed by the Council provide legal advice on all matters pertaining to local government without fear or favor and acts in accordance with attorney/client privilege. The Council appoints a Municipal Judge to work an as impartial jurist in administering all cases to which the City is party, everything from minor traffic violations to serious criminal cases. The Judge also administers all Oaths of Office to Councilmembers, the City Clerk and Deputy Clerk and Sworn Police Officers.
The City Manager, or City CEO, is entrusted by the Council to carry out the broad policy vision the Mayor and Councilmembers were elected to implement. The City Manger's job is thus to institute the necessary steps required to achieve the goals and strategic aims of the people's elected representatives and do so in a manner that assures the best stewardship of public resources. As the head of the City Administration, the City Manger is directly responsible for hiring all members of the City Staff and ensuring they carry out their defined duties and responsibilities in a manner that adheres to the Council's defined vision as well as in accordance will all applicable federal, state and local regulations.
For more information about the Evans' current City Manger, Cody R. Sims, and the duties of his role as required under the Evans Home Rule Charter, please click here.
Contact Us
1100 37th Street
Evans, Colorado 80620
Phone: 970-475-1170
Fax: 970-475-1190
Office hours (Monday to Friday): 8:00am – 5:00pm
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