The roundabout is scheduled to open the afternoon of Saturday, August 12th (subject to change pending final walk through).

When the roads are preparing to open, crews will begin my moving closure signs on 37th Street and then proceed to moving the signs on 47th Avenue. Please be cautious as some workers may still be in the area working. Furthermore, temporary safety signs will be in place due to a delay in receiving permanent street signs. Intermittent lane closures will be required towards the end of next week to install the permanent signs. Please follow the arrows on the road and yield to traffic in the roundabout. If you have questions on how to enter and exit a roundabout, please see the video link below.

DO NOT attempt to enter the closure area prior to the roads opening as some heavy equipment still needs to be moved to allow for the flow of traffic.

We will post on social media once we are told that all signs have been removed and the roads are safe for use.

City Staff would like to thank you again for your patience during this record-setting rainy Spring and Summer.

Project Updates:

This Week: Week of August 7th

  • Finishing landscaping in the medians.
  • Striping the roads and adding crosswalks.
  • Removing work vehicles.
  • Road Opening (This is tentative and subject to change).

Next Week: Week of August 14th (WEATHER PERMITTING)

  • Installing street signs -- Intermittent lane closures

How to Enter & Exit a roundabout

We recognize that roundabouts are a fairly new type of intersection and not everyone is familiar with how to navigate them. If you're unsure of how to use a roundabout, please watch this video from CDOT: Roundabouts Educational Video.

Detour Routes:

1100 37th Street
Evans, Colorado 80620

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