As this project continues forward, beautiful weather assisted by allowing the contractors to get a lot of work done. Crews should be finishing the color tie-in along the medians today. Placing the boulder in the medians should be completed by end of day today (July 28th). Crews will continue adding the top mat of the asphalt through the middle of next week. The irrigation lines are roughly 95% placed and this will allow the rest of the landscaping to be completed. The forecast next week has PM showers most days, hopefully this doesn't impact operations too much.
The City is still shooting for the middle of August for the roundabout to open, weather permitting.
Project Updates:
This Week: Week of July 24th
- The inner circle of the roundabout concrete continues being poured.
- Irrigation instillation in ~95% complete.
- Boulder placement in the center medians.
- Top mat of asphalt being poured.
Next Week: Week of July 31st (WEATHER PERMITTING)
- Finish top mat of asphalt.
- Landscaping (Trees, seeding and mulching, and mowing).
- Signs being installed in the roundabout.
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