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For the seventh consecutive year, the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) recognized the City of Evans with the prestigious Distinguished Budget Presentation Award.

In a letter informing City of Evans Assistant City Manager / Chief Financial Officer, Jacque Troudt, of the award, the GFOA stated, “The award represents a significant achievement by the (City). It reflects the commitment of the governing body and staff to meeting the highest principles of governmental budgeting. In order to receive the budget award, the entity had to satisfy nationally recognized guidelines for effective budget presentation. These

guidelines are designed to assess how well an entity's budget serves as: a policy document, a financial plan, an operations guide, and a communications device.”

There are over 1,700 participants in the Budget Awards Program. The most recent Budget Award recipients, along with their corresponding budget documents, are posted quarterly on GFOA's website. Award recipients have pioneered efforts to improve the quality of budgeting and provide an excellent example for other governments throughout North America. GFOA advances excellence in government finance by providing best practices, professional development, resources, and practical research for more than 22,500 members and the communities they serve.

“Our City budget is the most important policy document we create each year as it defines the strategic priorities of the City Council. Our Mayor and Councilmembers work closely with our City Manager, myself, and the rest of our leadership team to develop a budget that maximizes the return for our taxpayers and provides maximum public benefit. It is a great honor to be recognized for the seventh year in a row by the GFOA with this prestigious award,” said Jacque Troudt. 

For more information about the GFOA, please visit their website at: 

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