The City of Evans Needs Your Help!

The City of Evans is Asking Property Owners: What’s Your Pipe Made Of?

Evans Public Works needs your help to determine the type of pipe that connects private homes and businesses to the public water infrastructure. We will contact home and business owners built prior to 1986 with simple instructions to determine if the pipe that delivers water into your property is made of plastic, copper, galvanized steel, or lead. Lead in the infrastructure that delivers water to your property can be harmful. The City of Evans is committed to identifying and inventorying all the service lines within its service area. 

Why are we focusing on homes older than 1986? 

Due to the State of Colorado’s ban on lead that was enacted in 1986, we will focus our lead inventory information requests on individual homes and buildings that were built prior to 1986. If you have a home or business built after 1986, it is unlikely that you have lead pipes.

What can you do to help? 

If you are asked to identify your pipe, we will provide easy to follow instructions along with a short online survey. The information gathered via the survey will help Evans Public Works complete our inventory of pipe materials in homes and businesses. 

Why are we asking you to test your pipes for lead?

If you are asked to test your pipes, your participation will be necessary to ensure Evans has the most accurate information. Every water system in the United States needs to provide a pipe inventory to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, as required under the Lead and Copper Rule Revisions. 

This is an important request, and we are relying on Evans residents to help us meet this challenge. To learn more about lead in drinking water, visit the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment’s website: 

Please watch for upcoming announcements from Evans Public Works through door hangers and social media. The City of Evans is committed to partnering with the community to ensure our water is lead-free.

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