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Community Outreach

Drug Take Back day is a national Drug Enforcement Agency program focused on providing convenient and secure locations for the public to drop off excess, unused and expired controlled substances and other medications. Removing these medications from the home and disposing of them safely reduces the risk of accidental overdose and prevents the medications from falling into the wrong hands. 

Items that cannot be accepted:

  • Needles
  • Oxygen containers
  • Chemotherapy/radioactive substances
  • Pressurized canisters
  • Illicit drugs

Prescription Drug Take Back days are typically held in the spring and in the fall. For 2025, the spring Drug Take Back event will be held at the Sam's Club Parking lot on Saturday, April 26 from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. 

Are you interested in one of those programs? If so, you should call the Office of Community Outreach at 970-590-1504.

State of Colorado Drug Take-back

While the City of Evans holds two community Drug Take-back events each year, the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) offers year-round medication and sharps takeback programs. Click the link below for more information from the CDPHE as well as a map of take-back locations. 

Colorado Household Medication and Sharps Takeback program

To report an injured animal, nuisance animal, vicious animal, or a dog running at large in the City of Evans please call (970) 356-1212 and choose Option 4.

Evans residents are permitted a total of 4 animals living in a home. All dogs and cats are required to be vaccinated and licensed within the City of Evans.  Licenses can be purchased from the Evans Community Complex with a copy of the pet(s) current rabies vaccination records and a minimal fee.  Chickens are allowed in the City of Evans and count toward the total number of animals you can have at a residence. 

If you have lost a dog or cat please check with the Weld County Humane Society at 1620 42 Street, Evans, CO 80620.  Twice a month the humane society also offers a low cost vaccination clinic.

The City of Evans has 1 veterinarian facility in town:

PETS Emergency- 3629 23 Avenue, Evans, CO 80620  telephone:(970) 339-8700   OPEN 24 HRS.  7 Days a week

For more information or questions, contact the Evans Police Department at (970) 339-2441.

The Evans Police Department is proud to host the 2024 Citizens Police Academy (CPA) for local residents. The CPA works to promote community partnerships by engaging Evans citizens in the practices of the local Police Department and has done so since 1997. This informative program is an eight-week experience that provides insight to the public about Police Department responsibilities and internal operations. The CPA is designed to open channels of communication between citizens of Evans and their law enforcement officers. It is also a means by which citizens can develop an understanding of the PD's role in their community. The CPA's objective is not to make officers out of citizens but rather to enlighten citizens with an accurate knowledge of the Evans PD's responsibilities and functions.

This eight-week course - taking place each Wednesday evening from August 28th through October 30 from 6:00p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Evans Community Complex - will provide participants with an in-depth overview of all things policing. The course is both interactive and informative and provides hands-on experience with everything ranging from crime scene investigations to traffic enforcement to accident investigations to SWAT Team operations. We will also cover the use of police drones and their applications to crowd control, search and rescue, and suspect pursuit. There will be a Saturday morning at the firing range where participants can enjoy target practice - no experience needed, our officers will train you on how to safely and confidently handle a firearm - as well as learn the means of less lethal force. This course is highly informative and FREE OF CHARGE while giving our local residents a chance to learn about and built a relationship with our law enforcement officers who are here to protect and serve you. 

If you're interested in this amazing program, give our Community Relations Administrator, Teresa McClatchey, a ring at 970-590-1504 or email

Some discussion points about Distracted Driving – in this day and age, there are so many distractions on the roads. Here is some information to help you stay safe and keep those around you safe.

What is distracted driving?
Distracted driving is any action or activity that could divert a driver’s attention away from the principal task of driving. Distractions place everyone at risk! Drivers, passengers and pedestrians are all endangered when people allow themselves to be distracted while driving. ARE YOU A DISTRACTED DRIVER? Some examples of distracted driving include:
• Texting
• Talking on a cell phone
• Eating
• Grooming
• Reading, including maps
• Using a GPS navigation system
• Adjusting the radio

Did you know?
Recent data shows, 5,474 people were killed in crashes involving driver distraction, and an estimated 448,000 were injured. (NHTSA)

Did you know?
It is illegal in Colorado for all drivers to text and drive – this is a Primary Law*
It is illegal in Colorado for juvenile drivers to use a cell phone while driving – this is a Primary Law*


What is a “Primary Law”? 
Primary Law means that an officer can contact and ticket the driver for the offense without any other traffic violation taking place. A secondary law means an officer can only issue a ticket if a driver has been pulled over for another violation (like speeding).

So – slow down, pay attention & drive.
For traffic related questions, feel free to contact the Evans Police Department at 970-339-2441

All lost and found property, along with property held for safekeeping and certain disposed evidentiary items, will be listed as described below. Property that is not claimed within 10 days of the listing will be disposed of per departmental policies and procedures.

Property lists will be released periodically. Please check back regularly for new listings or call the Evans Police Department if you believe we are in possession of property that belongs to you at (970) 475-2270.

 2.40.020 Sale or other disposition of property--Perishables.

Any property seized or taken possession of as aforesaid (except currency) which is not claimed by and possession surrendered to the rightful owner (except if the possession of the property is unlawful or that the owner of the property was a party to the creation of a public nuisance as defined under Section 16-13-301, et seq., C.R.S., or for the sale or purchase of an alcoholic beverage for and on behalf of a minor) thereof shall be subject to sale at public auction or by "online auction" (i.e., eBay, etc.), in the following manner:

A. The Police Department shall publish in a newspaper in the City, or on City's website, instructions on where to find the description of each article of property so seized or taken, which has been in possession of the police for more than thirty (30) days, and give notice that if such property is not claimed by the rightful owner or owners within ten (10) days from the last date of such publication, such property will be sold at such public or "online" auction at the place and in the manner as in such notice prescribed. If within ten (10) days from the last publication of such notice no claim for the property described in the notice shall have been made and determined by the rightful owner thereof, the Police Department shall proceed to sell such property at public or "online" auction in the manner and upon the terms named in the notice. The Police Department may adjourn such auction from time to time, not exceeding thirty (30) days, by giving oral or posted notice of such continuance at the time and place advertised for the holding of such auction sale.

B. Unclaimed property having little or no significant value or which would be illegal to possess or distribute may be disposed of by appropriate protocol established by the Police Department.

 2.40.030 Return to finder--Exception.

A.  Lost property deposited with the Police Department by the finder may be returned to the finder after thirty (30) days upon the application of the Finder to the Chief of Police, or his or her designee, if such item has not been claimed by the true owner.  If the finder is a member of the Police Department or an employee of the City, the lost property shall be disposed of. 

B.  Upon surrender of found property (excluding firearms) to the Police Department, the finder may, at his or her discretion, execute a finder's claim which shall contain his or her name, address, and telephone number, if any.  Failure to notify the Police Department of any change to the information to the finder's claim during the thirty-day waiting period set out in the section shall act as an abandonment of his or her finder's claim

*Pursuant to Civil Code, any found property having a value of $250 or more will be advertised as found in a newspaper of general circulation, one time.

To view the current list of property and their descriptions, please click on the PDF documents below.  If you believe any of the listed items belong to you, please contact the Evans Police Department for further information. 


Lost property is routinely turned into the Evans Police Department in the hopes that an owner will come looking for it. If you believe the Evans Police Department may have something that belongs to you, please contact us. We will help you research the property and see if it is available for release. Click on the Property link under the Community Outreach tab to see a list of current property for disposal.

19th Judicial District Critical Incident Response Team (CIRT)

The Evans Police Department is proud to announce our support and inclusion in the 19th Judicial District Critical Incident Response Team (CIRT). The team was implemented on October 5, 2015 after several months of intense planning and organization.  CIRT currently consists of 24 Weld County Law Enforcement Agencies and has approximately 61 individual members. See the attachment below for further information.

Memorandum of Understanding - Critical Incident Response Team for the 19th Judicial District

Co-Responder Program

The Evans Police Department and North Range Behavioral Health have formed a partnership based on a co-responder program that will provide access to a certified clinician for individuals suffering from mental illness or chemical dependency. When officers make contact with a person and mental illness appears to be a factor, the clinician may be contacted to provide mental health knowledge and additional assistance in effectively treating the individual. North Range clinicians have substantial knowledge in properly identifying types of mental illness. Clinicians also know the extensive resources available to these parties that officers may not be aware of. When appropriate the clinician can advise what options may result in a more effective treatment. Desired results of this immediate diagnosis are to provide better treatment for the subject, and to reduce repeat calls for service for patrol officers. The North Range clinician assigned to the Evans Police Department will office in Evans for ready accessibility when called upon. Additionally they will have their own vehicle. There is no cost to the City for this program.

Police Officer Ride Alongs are an important tool that helps foster a positive community relationship between the Evans Police Department and the residents of the City of Evans.  If you're interested in a ride along in a safe, controlled environment, you're encouraged to fill out the form below. Also, be sure to download, fill out, and sign the Covenant Not to Sue Form. You can return it to the Officer when you arrive or submit it through the form below.

Please note - the above linked covenant not to sue form is REQUIRED to be completed and submitted along the ride along with request form. If this form is not included in the submittal package, your request will not be processed.

Thank you for your interest! 

Police Ride Along Application Form

The Evans Police Department offers the opportunity to work directly with victims of crime and others in crisis. Advocates respond to secure crime scenes or other specified locations to provide emotional support and service referral information to crime victims and others in crisis and in need of assistance.  Advocates will provide case follow-up as appropriate. Victim advocates will commonly interact with victims who have gone through extreme trauma. Victims might show shock, numbness, denial, anger, confusion, guilt, and disbelief. 

No experience is necessary.


What Advocates Do:

  • Provide crisis intervention
  • Provide information on the criminal justice process
  • Help create safety plans
  • Help victims find transportation and shelter
  • Help victims apply for Crime Victim Compensation
  • Provide referrals to other services and agencies by offering information about the different options available to them, and supporting victims’ decision-making.

Commitment: One-year minimum, 48 hours per month including a weekend shift. Must attend monthly meetings

·        Must take one holiday shift a year

Requirements: Volunteers must be able to be available by telephone throughout the duration of their shifts, it is preferred that advocates have a cellular device that they can utilize for their shifts as advocates are typically required to travel and may need to be re-directed while in route.

  • At least 19 years of age
  • Valid Colorado driver’s license
  • Valid car liability insurance
  • Ability to pass a comprehensive criminal background check including polygraph and drug/alcohol testing
  • Ability to follow written and oral directions
  • Live within 20 minutes of our covered agencies

We serve the 12 local police departments:

  • Greeley, Evans, Windsor, Eaton, Ault, Johnstown, Milliken, Kersey, Nunn,  LaSalle, Severance, Garden City, and Platteville

Types of scenes advocates respond to (not limited to):

  • Domestic Violence
  • Sexual Assault
  • Stalking
  • Suicide
  • Death
  • Child Abuse
  • Car Accidents Resulting in Death
  • Assault
  • Homicide

Skills required:

  • Ability to listen, talk on the phone, and maintain confidentiality.
  • Be compassionate and non-judgmental with victims of crime.
  • Have strong interpersonal skills
  • Have problem-solving skills
  • Ability to tolerate harsh weather conditions
  • Direct sunlight in summer
  • Exposed winter conditions
  • Ability to drive at night
  • Ability to withstand secondhand smoke and other noxious smells
  • Description


  • Shifts are split in 12 hours 6am-6pm or 6pm-6am
  • Shifts have a primary day, secondary day, primary night, secondary night
  • A supervisor will be on call as well if you need assistance in a call
  • Supervisors are required to respond to call out if it involves a minors/child death, or homicide


  • PD shirts and gear will be provided to you
  • On scene no open toe shoes, must wear comfortable sneakers or other shoes
  • Jeans, slacks, khakis, dress pants allowed on scene

NO shorts, ripped pants/jeans, short skirts allowed

  • Wear GPD shirts
  • Hair MUST look presentable

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